We are here for you wherever you are on your breastfeeding journey!

La Leche League of Maine & New Hampshire offers support to all who want to breastfeed/chestfeed or provide human milk to their child. Our volunteer Leaders have been accredited by La Leche League International and share a passion for supporting parents and children in our communities.
We facilitate parent to parent breastfeeding and parenting support
At La Leche League of Maine & New Hampshire we are here for:
-The expectant parent who wants to know about the early days of breastfeeding
-The new Mom nursing a newborn
-The parent of the teething baby
-The families who are wondering about balancing breastfeeding their toddler with eating solid foods
-The family who is seeking resources for the weaning journey
-All breastfeeding parents!
We are here to share information and education, offer a sounding board for ideas, be a shoulder to cry on, and join in celebrating successes.

Check our Meeting/Events page for additional online and in person meetings.